Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Review the general tips on how to implement an occupant engagement program (see Using This Guide: Influencing Occupant Behavior).
  2. Educate occupants on personal contributions.
    • Offer short training sessions or workshops either hosted by the Site Green Team members or through partnerships with local organizations. Class topics could include: gardening with native plants; how to use new technologies such as dual-flush toilets and hands-free faucets; or how to identify and report potential water problems such as a broken irrigation line that is saturating a sidewalk, a downspout that isn’t discharging water during a heavy rainstorm, sprinklers that are out of adjustment, or a faulty toilet that won’t stop running.
    • Create an incentive program, such as a signed certificate of achievement or public recognition, for staff that demonstrate commitment to water conservation.
    • Consider creating a ‘water tip of the month’ for distribution in post newsletters or broadcasts to staff.
  3. Create social involvement opportunities.
    • Celebrate World Water Day, March 22 of each year, with a rain garden installation or trip to a water-efficient building or local botanical garden.
    • Encourage staff personnel to achieve water conservation by communicating successes of individual initiatives and prominently displaying post-wide water consumption goals and regularly-updated metrics.
  4. Implement structural components.
    • When appropriate, install signage to inform occupants about efficient new fixtures or systems.
    • Adopt processes for metering and reporting water use. Provide clear instructions and channels (e.g., a telephone number, form, or email address) for reporting potential problems to maintenance staff.