Staff Engagement Water

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Instills water conservation as a fundamental value and motivates building occupants to adopt water-conserving behaviors and habits
One to two months to develop educational materials and install signage; regularly scheduled short training sessions
Preparation and printing of training materials and signage

The following key behaviors can drive the transformation of water use. They are all simple and easily adopted actions that can be implemented by staff at all levels and throughout all departments.

Encourage site personnel to:

  • Scrape (don’t rinse) dishes thoroughly and fill the dishwasher to capacity before using.
  • Turn off water fixtures such as faucets and showers when they’re not being actively used.
  • Use water fixtures such as dual-flush toilets and hands-free or metered faucets.
  • Take shorter showers.
  • Wash cars using a bucket rather than a hose.
  • Reduce irrigation and refrain from flood-irrigating with hoses.
  • Sweep exterior surfaces rather than hosing them down.
  • Report leaks or other potential water-related problems, both outside and indoors, as soon as you notice them.