
Table Header Table Header
Reduces potable water consumption and utility expenses
One to two months for irrigation improvements, six months for landscape and irrigation system re-design, and one to two years for the establishment of native or drought-tolerant plantings
Existing irrigation system malfunctions repair, irrigation system infrastructure purchase and installation, a designer with local knowledge of climate and native species, landscape and irrigation system re-design and installation, and possible upgrade of WWT systems

Several strategies can be implemented to reduce the quantity of potable water used for irrigation: xeriscaping, native or drought-tolerant planting, water-efficient irrigation systems, and use of rainwater and reclaimed water, such as wastewater effluent.

Residential outdoor water use across the United States accounts for nearly 9 billion gallons of water each day, mainly for landscape irrigation. The average U.S. household uses more water outdoors than for showering and washing clothes combined.9

Xeriscaping refers to landscape design that conserves water through careful plant selection of native or adapted plants. Local landscape designers can provide insight into the most appropriate plants for site’s climate and soils, and can recommend plant groupings based on irrigation requirements. Landform alterations, such as berms and grading, can increase visual interest (see Site: Plant Selection).

Landscaping best practices include:

  • Use of sustainable landscaping materials, such as gravels, native grasses, and groundcovers that require minimal or no irrigation, instead of manicured turf.
  • Engagement of a professional landscape architect, designer, or maintenance company familiar with local vegetation, climate, and soils, to prepare a design for native and adapted drought-tolerant planting (see Site: Plant Selection).

Irrigation system best practices include:

  • Zone the irrigation system according to plant type groupings into no-, low-, and high-irrigation zones (see Figure 7 and Site: Plant Selection).
  • Install water-efficient irrigation fixture heads such as pressure-regulated rotary spray heads rather than mist spray heads, where drip irrigation systems are impractical, for lawn areas.
  • Use drip irrigation technology for non-lawn areas when irrigation is necessary to establish new plantings. Lawns and other turf areas should be limited and irrigated by rotary spray systems.
  • Implement irrigation schedules in conjunction with weather-responsive controllers to ensure that water is delivered at appropriate times of day and frequency, and deactivated during periods of rainfall. Review current irrigation schedules and programming to identify water-saving opportunities. Avoid daytime irrigation and consider reducing watering frequency.
  • Use controls such as weather monitors and soil moisture sensors for quantity control. Look for WaterSense® labeled controllers, which can reduce water use by 20% or more. Educate maintenance staff about scheduling for water efficiency.
  • Drip irrigation uses a network of pipes, tubes, and emitters or micro-sprinklers to minimize the use of water and fertilizer. The system allows water to slowly infiltrate the root zone directly below the ground surface.

Water reuse best practices include:

  • Installation of rain barrels or other low-cost stormwater catchment strategies, particularly in residential settings where small amounts of rainwater can provide a significant portion of the irrigation demand.
  • Confirmation that minimum quality standards are met to ensure safe and continued use of non-potable sources (see Water: Rainwater Harvesting).
  • Consideration of other non-potable irrigation water sources from building systems, such as mechanical condensate or treated wastewater.