Fleet Management

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Reduces fossil fuel consumption, GHG emissions, and fleet operations and maintenance (O&M) costs
One to three months to develop and document fleet management policies
Potential increase in purchase prices of replacement vehicles

Sustainable fleet management incorporates strategies to reduce vehicle distance traveled, improve fuel economy and maintenance, train drivers to develop green driving habits, and plan for efficient vehicle replacement. Reducing travel demand is an obvious first step toward fleet management. Optimizing the size, vehicle mix, maintenance, and use of official vehicles can also reduce petroleum consumption and GHG emissions, extend vehicle life, and reduce operating costs.

To improve fleet fuel efficiency:

  • Adhere to manufacturer-recommended maintenance intervals.
  • Stay within the manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight guidelines to improve fuel efficiency, safety, and vehicle life.
  • Match vehicle size to task. When appropriate, use electric utility or golf-type carts for transport within the facility grounds.
  • Train and encourage green driving habits to improve fuel efficiency (see Transportation: Staff Engagement).

For resource-efficient fleet maintenance:

  • Use rebuilt or recycled parts and supplies when possible.
  • Decide whether to retain older, high-mileage vehicles. If so, repurpose them for on-site maintenance and grounds use.
  • Find local buyers to recycle used batteries, oil, tires, and scrap metal.

Fleet replacement plans should:

  • Consider the availability of AFVs, alternative fueling stations, spare parts, and specialized maintenance in the host country, in conjunction with 14 FAM 438.2 tier descriptions.
  • Replace least-efficient vehicles first to achieve the greatest fuel savings.
  • Minimize motorpool fleet vehicle size and use of special-use vehicles.
  • Use fuel type, fuel economy, and life-cycle cost as purchase criteria for new vehicles.
  • Match new vehicle sizes to site needs.
  • Consider acquiring AFVs such as plug-in hybrid (PIH), flex-fuel (e.g., ethanol blends up to E85), electric, ethanol, biodiesel, compressed natural gas, propane, and hydrogen.
  • Use alternative fuels in conventional vehicles, such as biodiesel in diesel vehicles, where feasible.

By using electric car charging stations, U.S. Embassy Dakar saves $82 in gas daily

Image Source: U.S. Embassy Dakar