Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Review findings of the site audit (see Site: Audit).
  2. Consult with facilities staff to determine design intent for various aspects of the landscape for any facility that was designed and constructed by them.
  3. Assemble documentation that explains the landscape design for any existing properties that were renovated for use by the facility.
  4. Identify places in the landscape that depart significantly from the original design.
  5. Evaluate changes in the landscape within the framework of the significant features and design details. Be sure to review other strategies within the Guide to identify strategies that would assist in the implementation of changes.
  6. Develop a plan to restore, rehabilitate, or protect portions of a landscape, using a high degree of integrity.
  7. Collaborate with the FM, facilities maintenance staff, and gardeners to see which changes can be made through standard landscape practices.