Strategy Selection Factors

Strategy Selection Factors

To identify and prioritize residential strategies, consider environmental issues that are of greatest concern in the community. Note that contaminant reduction and IEQ issues should be addressed at all everywhere to assure employee and family health and safety.  

Evaluate the following issues:

  • Energy cost and security:  All residents can benefit from the implementation of energy conservation measures, it is particularly valuable where energy costs are high and local utilities are reliant on fossil fuels, or do not have reliable power supplies. Identifying applicable behavior changes and working with landlords to implement conservation strategies can have very quick payback times. At owned properties, identify opportunities for envelope improvements and appliance and HVAC equipment upgrades or replacements.
  • Water cost and scarcity: In locations with limited access to water, or immature water delivery or wastewater treatment (WWT) infrastructure, residents should prioritize water conservation. Examine opportunities to implement conservation strategies.
  • Minimal waste infrastructure: If waste management infrastructure is not well developed, reduce residential impact on the community by reducing the quantity of waste produced by implementing strategies such as recycling, and explore purchasing actions that support waste reduction.