Practical Application

Practical Application for Tenants

  1. Review results of the home audit to identify and implement any no- or low-cost recommendations.
  2. For renters, request that landlords fix leaking pipes, dripping faucets, and running toilets.
  3. Install minor plumbing fixture upgrades as noted above.
  4. Encourage residents to undertake conservation practices (see Residential: Staff Engagement).

Practical Application for Owners

  1. Review water bill to identify how water use compares to similar homes and determine if water related upgrades are needed.  
  2. Track monthly water bills to identify spikes in water usage that may indicate leaks or malfunctioning systems or fixtures.
  3. Review the costs and benefits associated with new Energy Star® products to replace existing water-inefficient appliances.
  4. Identify a preferred water fixture package for all future upgrades and implement as appropriate.