Strategy Selection Factors

Strategy Selection Factors

After the Site Green Team has compiled occupant feedback and evaluated system and space conditions, the team can assess the site’s unique characteristics.

Consider the following factors to determine which strategies are most applicable for your site:

  • High volume of complaints: For sites with a high number

of occupant complaints, there is likely an opportunity to increase productivity by examining space conditions, percentage of fresh air, and workspace characteristics.

  • Age of building > 15 years: Aging buildings can contain outdated system controls and sequences and inefficient or ineffective HVAC systems, and have a higher probability for the development of mold and
  • Last commissioned > five years ago: Regular commissioning (Cx) aids in identifying and rectifying IEQ Buildings that have not been commissioned recently are likely to require HVAC system adjustments to restore operation to design conditions or to accommodate changes in occupancy and space usage.
  • Poor outdoor air quality: Sites that are in countries that are experiencing rapid urbanization may have high particulate levels due to inadequate regulations for vehicle or industrial air emissions. In these areas, it is necessary to prevent migration of outdoor contaminants to interior spaces and to minimize sources of indoor pollution, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from building products, finishes, and cleaning supplies; construction activities; mold; mildew; and radon.
  • Renovation plans within one year: Sites that intend to renovate within one year should choose environmentally-safe building materials and develop an IEQ management plan prior to construction.