Site Lighting

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Helps preserve dark skies and reduces excess energy used for lighting
One month to review lighting security issues and assess current site lighting, one month to revise controls of current fixtures not related to security, and six months to select and install new fixtures, where feasible
Purchase and installation of the new fixtures, lamps, shields, and photocell sensors, if required

Energy required to power site lighting contributes to GHG emissions (see Energy: Introduction). Additional potential problems associated with outdoor lighting include sky glow that interferes with astronomy, disrupts natural sleep patterns that affect human health, and disrupts the nocturnal patterns of many species.

Light pollution is defined as light that escapes from a property upwards into the night sky or onto adjacent properties. Light spill, or trespass, may occur due to the type and location of site lighting fixtures, or may result from interior lighting that remains on during nighttime hours.

LED lamps can reduce energy use for exterior lighting by more than 50% from conventional high-pressure sodium lights,8 and lengthen the replacement period for fixtures and lamps, thereby reducing maintenance costs.

Site lighting improvements include efficient fixtures and lamps, controls, downlighting, and cut-off shields.