Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Activate power management settings on computers, printers, and photocopiers to place equipment into ‘sleep’ mode after a period of inactivity.
    • Determine whether power management settings can be set remotely across the entire network
    • Notify and educate occupants about power management settings.
  2. Install smart power supplies equipped with occupancy sensors at each workstation.
  3. Identify high-power devices, such as individual printers and aging equipment, and replace as budget allows.
  4. Eliminate individual printers and consolidate printing to central office printers or multifunction devices.
  5. Replace energy-intensive equipment with low-power alternatives and select new equipment that meets the most recent Energy Star® specifications.
  6. Explore thin-client alternatives for computing.
    • Educate staff about energy savings achievable by thin-client technology.

Figure 8: Reducing office cooling load

Data Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency