Computers and Office Equipment

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Reduces energy consumption of office equipment, thereby reducing cooling energy from HVAC systems, both of which contribute to lower utility consumption and associated costs
One to four weeks for power management adjustments and technology survey, six to 12 months for acquisition and implementation of equipment, and one to four weeks for occupant education
Power management software, advanced power supplies, laptops or thin-client computer hardware, and occupant education training and materials

In this era of IT, the global economy shift from paper to digital information requires greater computer capacity and server storage. Highly conditioned server rooms primarily contain electronic equipment used for data processing and communications networking, essential to the functioning of business, communications, academic, and governmental systems. Individual computers also consume significant energy and are often left on unnecessarily. The Department deployed a ‘Night Watchman’ program at all posts to automatically turn off computers at night. Since March 2012, this program has realized $2.5 million in power savings, earning the Department recognition as “one of 15 Superstars of Sustainable IT,” and the only federal agency named, in InfoWorld.11

Activating stand-by or hibernate features can save $50 or more per computer per year.12

A thin-client solution can further reduce energy consumption from 60W to 6W per desk by supporting only a monitor, keyboard, and mouse at the individual workstation, with no central processing unit (CPU). Thin-clients convey input and output between user and remote server, where all processing activities occur. In contrast, a fat-client or traditional desktop PC does local processing and passes only data for communications and storage to the server. Many thin-client devices run only web browsers or remote desktop software, but recent models give users the same look and feel as a PC. Thin-client solutions also minimize IT maintenance for hardware and software upgrades, application deployment, security, and data backup.

Inkjet printers are fast approaching the print quality of laser printers, while using a tiny fraction of the electricity that a laser printer does.13 Additionally, inkjet printing devices also have a lower impact on IAQ. Inkjet devices are most appropriate for low-to-moderate printing volumes and where print quality is more important than print speed (see Indoor Environment: Pollution Prevention).