Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Review the no- and low-cost water conservation measures identified during the water audit to identify and implement any ‘low-hanging fruit,’ such as fixing leaks or installing faucet aerators.
  2. Install low-flow showerheads.
  3. Retrofit tank-type toilets with dual-flush valve adaptors.
  4. Select HET or dual-flush toilets, low-flush or waterless urinals, and automatic/low-flow faucets when replacing fixtures.
    • Ensure that products selected are consistent with cultural practices.
  5. Consider installing touchless controls on faucets.
  6. Train facilities staff to maintain new fixtures, and provide occupant education for specialty fixtures, such as dual-flush toilets, waterless urinals, or hands-free faucets.
  7. Track utility bills to assess water savings.

Figure 6: Dual flush valve – up for half flush and down for full flush

Image Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency