Audit Water

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Determines where, when, why, and how water is used in a facility and on-site and identifies opportunities to improve efficiency
One week to one month, depending on the size of the compound and the number of fixtures
None, or engagement of a professional auditor (optional)

A water audit is a valuable tool that allows FMs to manage resources by understanding how their facilities use water. Benefits of a water audit include improved knowledge and documentation of the distribution system, including problem and risk areas.

By documenting site’s water use over time, the audit provides a baseline for comparison of progress on current and future conservation efforts in response to company performance goals. A Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor (CLIA) can provide detailed guidance for posts with intensive irrigation requirements.

No- or low-cost water savings improvements can include faucet aerator and low-flow showerhead installation, washer replacement, leak repair, or use of rainwater catchment barrels for landscape irrigation.