Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Review general tips on how to implement an occupant engagement program (see Using This Guide: Influencing Occupant Behavior).
  2. Educate occupants on personal contributions.
    • Provide regular education sessions to raise awareness of international, national, and local challenges related to materials use and disposal. Include topics such as hazardous waste, plastic recycling, and buying local and organic.
    • Provide skills training to procurement staff so that they may more easily identify environmentally- and socially-preferable products.
  3. Create social involvement opportunities.
    • Organize a local collection event or a special activity to celebrate America Recycles Day each November 15.
    • Plan a field trip to the local recycling facility.
    • Encourage friendly waste reduction competition between small groups. Publish results internally and reward the winners with prizes that reinforce responsible materials use, such as shopping bags.
    • Work with PAO, perhaps in partnership with local organizations, to organize periodic events such as e-waste or paper shredding parties, where post personnel can bring personal electronics or documents that they cannot properly dispose of at home.
  4. Implement structural components.
    • Include sustainable criteria in procurement policies.
    • Install clear signage on recycling containers.
    • Locate printers away from occupants to reduce ease of access, which leads to unnecessary ‘convenience’ printing.
    • Establish relationships with location organizations to pick up used items donated by post staff, or set up a ‘freecycling’ room at post, where staff members can trade items that they no longer want or use for items that they need.
    • Create a community outreach plan that informs local citizens of post’s sustainable procurement and waste management processes.