Staff Engagement Material

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Instills resource stewardship as a fundamental value, and motivates building occupants to adopt resource conservation behaviors and habits
One to two months to develop educational materials and install signage; regularly scheduled short training sessions
Preparation and printing of training materials and signage

Staff Engagement

The following key occupant behaviors can change the way that facility staff interacts with materials, both at work and at home. The behaviors are all simple and easily adoptable actions that can be implemented by facility staff at all levels and throughout all departments.

Principal Officer Sundwall, Consulate employees, and third graders celebrate Earth Day 2010 in the Azores

Image Source: U.S. Consulate Ponta Delgada

Encourage facility personnel to:

  • Consider biodegradable products as an alternative to washable products where water is
  • Use reusable fabric shopping tote
  • Separate recyclable items, such as paper, glass, metals, and cardboard, as well as hazardous items such as batteries, electronics, and light bulbs, in appropriate collection
  • Purchase products such as local, lightly packaged, or recycled content
  • Print less and, when printing is necessary, use double-sided mode and the smallest acceptable font, to reduce document