Recycling and Composting

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Eliminates hazardous materials from landfills
Three to six months to coordinate waste management programs
Engagement of private recycling companies and dedicated storage bins/areas

Recycling and composting are becoming mainstream practices; however, not all facilities take full advantage of municipal or third-party recycling systems, and others do not have these services available. Facilities that actively engage with their host country can support or help establish a market for materials and demonstrate the viability of a recycling industry, which reduces waste and creates jobs.

Waste management programs for ongoing consumables should consider disposal of paper, glass, plastic, cardboard, metals, and food waste (for additional considerations for electronics, batteries, mercury-containing lamps, and demolition debris, see Materials: Hazardous Waste Disposal). For facilities renovations or retrofits, implement environmentally responsible demolition waste disposal, identify potential recycling opportunities, and perform on-site waste stream separation of materials to allow for recycling or reuse

90% of all office waste consists of recyclable paper or paperboard products.10

To implement a recycling program for common materials, facilities should:

  • Identify whether municipal or private recycling infrastructure is available nearby, and for what materials. Consider opportunities for donating certain types of materials to community organizations or local
  • Establish dedicated, clearly marked areas within the facility where recyclables can be separated and held until they are picked up. Work with contractors to investigate off-site storage if on-site space is unavailable.
  • Work with the custodial staff to implement no- and low-cost recycling initiatives, such as providing staff with individual recycling bins and increasing the number or size of recycling bins in common
  • Determine opportunities for on-site or off-site composting by reviewing local regulations and identifying any site considerations for If composting is viable, install kitchen food waste bins for compostable materials, with instructions for acceptable food waste materials.
  • Provide centralized collection bins for yard waste, located away from buildings to prevent pest
  • Create an education and communication plan to ensure that post staff is aware of recycling and composting