Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Review general tips on how to implement an occupant engagement program (see Occupant Behavior).
  2. Educate occupants on personal contributions.
    • Provide or create a map, guide, or tour of post and nearby amenities, such as bicycle racks, showers, bike paths, and alternative fueling stations. Provide links to local transit schedules and resources to help staff select more fuel-efficient personal vehicles.
    • Hold training sessions to familiarize staff and drivers with teleconferencing and video conferencing tools, and with fuel-efficient driving practices. Topics for a green driving training session could include trip preparation (route planning, vehicle selection, and removal of unnecessary, heavy objects from the vehicle), vehicle assessment (proper tire inflation and compliance with manufacturer weight guidelines), driving style (idling, stopping, starting, and speed), and comfort (using windows and vents and parking in the shade)
  3. Create social involvement opportunities.
    • Use metrics such as official travel miles for air and vehicle use and encourage small teams to compete to see which team can achieve the largest percent reduction per team member, year over year.
    • Initiate annual ‘Green Driver’ and ‘Green Commuter’ awards, and publicly recognize the winners.
    • Establish a bike to work day or month, in collaboration with PAO and local events.
  4. Implement structural components.
    • Include information in site welcome kits that provides personalized instructions for public transit commuting from assigned residences.
    • Place small cards in each fleet vehicle with a list of driving policies and best practices, both in English and in the local language(s).
    • Offer a variety of vehicle options to ensure that staff can select the right-size vehicles for their tasks.
    • Create carpooling sign-up lists and boards to connect potential ride-sharers.
    • Initiate alternative transportation commuter incentive programs.
    • Develop recommended route maps that aim to avoid left turns in order to reduce idle time and increase safety by reducing crossings of oncoming traffic. (Avoid right turns in countries where cars are driven on the left side of the road.)

Bike to Work Day at U.S Embassy Santiago