Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Work with site’s fleet manager to update documents pertaining to site’s official vehicles and their use.
  2. Conduct a survey of site personnel travel and commuting habits. Calculate distance traveled to each home in site’s housing pool.
  3. Determine whether site is served by safe, reliable public transit. If so, identify the nearest transit stops and routes that serve each stop in relation to residences and typical meeting locations.
  4. Determine whether biking to site is feasible, based on road conditions and health and safety factors. Establish whether site has showers, changing rooms, and secure storage to support bicycle transit.
  5. Determine whether alternative vehicle fueling or charging stations exist locally.
  6. Identify technologies and resources available to enable teleconferencing, video conferencing, and telecommuting.
  7. Document environmentally-friendly, transportation-related strategies and policies already in place, such as preferred parking spaces for carpool vehicles.
  8. Use inventory data, survey results, and other information to identify opportunities to reduce site’s transportation-related GHG emissions, such as replacement of high emission vehicles.
  9. Compile findings and recommendations into an audit report that can be used to inform site’s fleet management and commuting policies, as well as residential leasing practices.