Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Review the site audit report to define the local climate and eco-region and inform plant sourcing (See Site: Audit).
  2. Identify reputable nurseries within the region and understand the types of plants they can grow for the post.
  3. Work with local nurseries to understand where plants come from and encourage sustainable propagation practices.
  4. Consult with a local landscape architect or horticulturist to select the appropriate species for a project.
  5. Evaluate the feasibility of permeable, open-grid pavers or light-colored materials as replacement for asphalt or other dark surfaces.
  6. Deliver plants to post in a safe and efficient manner that minimizes the time they are out of the ground.

Invest in plant roots, not lush foliage or flowers. Small size plants with healthy roots are ideal for transitioning into a landscape.

Source: Claudia West