Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Identify areas that can be enhanced with new planting (See Site: Audit).
  2. Completely catalogue the conditions of the specific location identified for planting.
  3. Ask local experts to recommend a number of native (preferred) or locally adapted plants that should thrive under the catalogued conditions.
  4. Consult with local horticulturists, a local university, or other experts to determine final species selection.
  5. Implement planting according to industry best practices and determine a monitoring plan to track plant health and adaptation to the site.
  6. Adapt management based on how the planting is performing.
  7. Communicate the design intent and management plan to maintenance staff and gardeners, other post employees, and the general public.

Three characteristics necessary in naturalistic landscape design are (1) regional identity; (2) intricacy and details; and (3) elements of change.