Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Review site plans to identify opportunities for planting shade trees or plants around paved areas.
  2. Consult with a local landscape architect or nursery to select and plant the appropriate species for shading.
  3. Evaluate  whether shade structures or canopies are appropriate for the site.
  4. Work to select high solar reflectance roofing materials.
  5. Evaluate  the feasibility of permeable, open-grid pavers or light-colored materials as replacement for asphalt or other dark surfaces.
  6. Develop  a plan to undertake regular maintenance, at least every three years, of all high-reflectance surfaces to ensure that they are clean. Maintain vegetated roofs for planting and structural conditions.

Using a combination of white roofing material and light-colored paving to reduce heat island effect.

Image Source: U.S. Department of State