

The most successful Green Teams are the ones that report results, to create a continuous improvement process by sharing best practices. All change agents use lessons learned from past experiences in future endeavors. It is important to celebrate individuals and teams that committed to, and completed, a successful sustainability-related undertaking. Below are some suggestions that Green Teams can use to celebrate their wins, catalogue their successes, and share their stories with others around the globe who are attempting similar activities:

  • Personal thank you: A handshake or hand-written note can go a long way toward forming an effective Green Team founded on mutual respect. Reserve time at the close of each green team meeting to recognize those individuals who have gone above and beyond their duties to implement greening activities.
  • Annual Employee Evaluation Report: Ensure all contributions to the green team are recognized and documented in each individual annual employee evaluation report.
  • Document how a completed greening activity evolved from its inception and to document the actual results of the activity.
  • Consider developing a formal recognition process to highlight success and excellence exhibited by a member of the Green Team.


  • To disseminate major accomplishments, the team should work with the communications team to develop a broad communication highlighting the accomplishment.  Briefings to upper management on the results from greening activities as well as an update on the green team implementation plan, could be one annually. Creating an annual briefing allows teams to reflect on their experience from the previous year, and leverage what they learned. 
  • How To Write a Case Study Step-by-Step   This template  provides guidance to complete a case study. By creating and sharing these studies with other sites, teams can help others be inspired and spark further adoption of greening activities.
Case studies help teams share their stories

  • By submitting case studies for awards, Green Teams can gain greater recognition both inside and outside the company. These awards will generate national stories that will help sites demonstrate social responsibility and gain momentum to try additional greening activities.