Staff Engagement Residential

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Motivates building residents to adopt resource-conserving behaviors and habits, contributing to better resident health
Updates and minor renovations scheduled during vacancies between occupants when possible; one to two months to develop materials; regularly scheduled short training sessions
Preparation and implementation of education programs
RES (Residents)

Resident behavior can result in significant impacts in improving personal health and reducing environmental impacts. The following key behaviors can significantly reduce resource use while helping to create healthier living spaces and minimize landfill waste. They can be implemented by residents and their families.

In each of the following impact areas, encourage residents to undertake best practices:


  • Program thermostats to align with occupied hours and appropriate setpoints for the season.
  • Turn off lights when not needed.
  • Turn off or unplug electronics when not in use.
  • Consider drying clothes on a clothesline.


  • Fully load appliances, such as dishwashers and clothes washing machines, before use.
  • Take shorter showers. Aim for five minutes.
  • Turn off faucets while brushing teeth or shaving, and fill the sink to wash dishes, to avoid continuously running water.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to save water by using the lighter flush to dispose of liquid waste in residences with dual-flush toilets.

Materials reuse and disposal

  • Compost kitchen scraps, recycle whatever local infrastructure allows, and dispose of hazardous waste responsibly.
  • Sell or donate unnecessary household furnishings and effects.
  • Recycle as much household waste as possible.

Indoor environment

  • Use water-based, environmentally friendly cleaning products.
  • Use operable windows and window coverings to manage indoor temperature and to bring in fresh air, where outdoor air quality is acceptable.
  • Leave bathroom exhaust fans running during baths and showers and for sufficient time afterward to clear humidity, and to minimize moisture and condensation in the fan body and ducting.