Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Determine the environmental factors that are most critical to a building’s locations.
  2. Identify potential facilities that satisfy the highest priorities for leased residences. If appropriate, issue an RFP and prepare a shortlist of preferred properties.
  3. Consider the types of leases being offered and prioritize them in order of maximizing landlord and tenant motivation toward sustainability.
  4. Obtain pricing estimates from preferred landlords for sustainable tenant improvements (e.g., insulation, programmable or ‘learning’ thermostats, and water-efficient plumbing fixtures).
  5. Perform a present-value cost analysis over the length of the lease for each alternative. At a minimum, consider utility costs, upgrades, and lease rates.
  6. Negotiate to include preferred alternatives in the lease agreement, for both physical improvements and process changes.
  7. Confirm that the final lease represents all verbal agreements made prior to signing.
  8. Provide clear guidance in the lease for responsibilities of the landlord and contractors performing tenant improvements, to ensure that they understand the requirements. Where necessary, work with the landlord to provide training.
  9. Ensure that specified pre-occupancy upgrades and any required air quality flush-outs are completed prior to residents moving in.
  10. Audit the property six months after signing, to confirm that tenant improvements are operating properly, and that any operational changes required in the lease have been implemented.