Practical Application

Practical Application for Tenants

  1. Review results of the residential audit to identify and implement any no- or low-cost recommendations.
  2. Explore the Energy Star® interactive tool to identify room-specific strategies (see Resources: Home Efficiency Tool).
  3. Identify the individual responsible for each recommended improvement.
  4. Establish an HVAC maintenance schedule to replace or clean furnace and air conditioning filters regularly.
  5. Implement strategies to combat phantom loads.
  6. Work to undertake conservation practices in your own home (see Residential: Staff Engagement).

Practical Application for Owners

  1. Identify any equipment or appliances recommended for replacement. Consider upgrading any items that are more than 10 to 15 years old.
  2. Engage a qualified contractor to undertake retrofits or renovations.
  3. Assess the viability of renewable energy.
  4. Establish a maintenance schedule for all equipment and systems.