Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Review general tips on how to implement an occupant engagement program (see Occupant Behavior).
  2. Educate occupants on personal contributions.
    • Raise awareness about the importance of good IEQ through ‘brown bag’ education sessions.
    • Distribute information in broadcasts, newsletters, pamphlets, or through social media.
    • Train employees to modify their working habits to improve ergonomics, reduce repetitive strain injuries, and enhance their productivity.
  3. Create social involvement opportunities.
    • Hold plant-potting parties to decorate staff workspaces with houseplants that help clean indoor air.
    • Celebrate local ecosystems by populating post with relevant biophilic imagery and artwork.
  4. Implement structural components.
    • Remove personal printers from desktops and locate within dedicated, separately exhausted work rooms.
    • Install automatic closers on photocopy room doors, add walk-off mats at main entrances to buildings, and provide comfortable smoking areas away from building intakes and entrances.
    • Ensure that a process is in place for occupants to report problems or concerns related to IEQ.
    • Distribute occupant comfort surveys every few years to assess IEQ satisfaction and effectiveness.

Air quality awareness is important at every age; celebrate Air Quality Awareness Week to educate occupants and visitors

Image Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency