Practical Application

Practical Application

  1. Talk with facilities staff to determine what type of HVAC system controls are currently present. Identify zones served by each HVAC unit or system.
  2. Observe or interview occupants of each HVAC zone to determine the appropriate system schedule, if the building does not have a BAS.
  3. Review and adjust BAS schedules and setpoints, if applicable.
  4. Replace stand-alone manual thermostats with programmable digital models, if they are not connected to a BAS. Coordinate with facilities staff to install and program thermostats.
  5. Schedule a training session to demonstrate the features and use of thermostats, if thermostats are adjustable by occupants.
  6. Survey staff about comfort levels after six months of occupancy to verify that setpoints and schedules are appropriate. Conduct future surveys as discussed in Indoor Environment: Thermal Comfort.
  7. Provide feedback to facilities staff and ask them to adjust settings as necessary, within acceptable setpoint ranges as established by the organization.