Case Study: Air Quality

Beijing, China

U.S. Embassy Beijing has taken numerous steps to improve IAQ. This issue is particularly important at Post, since the Beijing region faces severe air quality challenges due to pollution from increasing industrial activity.

The Embassy monitors the outside air quality8 and warns mission personnel and the American community at the Embassy when pollution reaches dangerous levels. The air quality monitor detects fine particulates, which are believed to pose the greatest health risk, especially to sensitive populations such as those with heart or lung disease, children, and older adults. Post converts the particulate measurements into an air quality index (AQI) and uses social media to broadcast whether conditions are good (little potential to affect public health), hazardous, or in between. The building can be used as a ‘clean air shelter’ in extreme events. In residences, room air cleaners are provided.

The Beijing region faces severe air quality challenges

Image Source: National Institute of Health

To minimize contaminants created within buildings, U.S. Embassy Beijing implemented a green cleaning program, reducing hazardous chemicals in cleaning supplies by 60%. Green cleaning supplies are non-toxic and biodegradable, and are ideally procured locally. The embassy building’s design includes extensive natural light and state-of-the-art mechanical systems to ensure occupant comfort and efficiency. Together, these measures help Post contribute to positive IAQ, despite the challenges posed by the particularly poor outdoor air conditions.