Case Studies

Case Study: Walk/Bike to Work Day

Both staff and students at the Department’s Foreign Service Institute (FSI) participated in National Walk to Work Day in April 2012, and promoted the event by holding a Walk to Work sign while they walked.5 The event was organized by the FSI Wellness Committee, which encourages activities that contribute to the health and wellness of FSI employees.

Case Study: Wildlife Habitats

The U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva was the first U.S. Department of State (the Department) facility to be certified as a wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation®.4 As of August 2017, sixteen posts and domestic facilities are now certified.

Case Study: Native Planting

The U.S. Consulate General in Cape Town, South Africa, made particularly good use of native plants to reduce irrigation demands, beautify their site, and preserve local endangered species, including the leopard frog, which makes its home in the Westlake River.9

Case Study: Awards Program

The Greening Diplomacy Initiative (GDI) Award was created by the Greening Council in an effort to strengthen the Department’s sustainability efforts. Every year, posts are encouraged to submit success stories. Winners are chosen by the Greening Council and by employee vote.
Staff at U.S. Embassy Nouakchott, Mauritania wear blue for World Water Day